Monday, February 24, 2014

A Free Verse of a Horse

     I mentioned in the previous post that I am homeschooled, which is one of the reasons I created this blog. I will post a lot of creative writing assignments for school. This will be one of them.
     This morning while grooming Trixie (my Welsh Pony) I was inspired to write a free-verse poem about a girl braiding her horse's mane.

     A free-verse poem is simple. It is free from specific amounts of verses in a poem, and rhyming. The only rule, is it must be extremely descriptive.

     So- here it goes:

As the girl walked toward her dappled gray pony,
she suddenly felt an urge to work with that delightful, flowing mane. 
The biting wind chilled her ungloved fingers,
as she reached for the pale locks,
lightly, mildly, timidly, she twisted it into a braid.
The plait was flourishing, down the speckled neck,
developing further, growing deeper,
as more and more was joined in.
Tying the one, she began another.
Her fingers began to fly,
the fine mane in her fingertips.
The icy cold chill bit at her face,
but she felt not a care in the world.
She was with her horse,
what more could she want?
      I hope you enjoyed it, and yes, I did braid Trixie's mane like I described. The feeling I depicted at the end of the poem was real. When you are there alone with a horse, you don't feel anything else but peacefulness. The feeling is amazingly pleasant and enjoyable.
Okie Girl~

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